Wednesday 17 September 2008

Oh...and a moment of silence for our fallen commrade

Zabriskie's Moustache.....I believe it is no more

-hangs head in shame-


How lame is that? I haven't posted since I went to France.
Ok..lemme think....I went to France!
I fell over playing minigolf, couldn't walk, had to go home :|
Bloody missed the only reason I went over - To spray paint Millars name all over the roads of middle france ;)
Got back to bloody england with a ankle swollen up to absolute deaaathh:Disgusting right! Anyway, spent like half a year in A&E and it was tendon damage or whatever. Its all ok now. meh.
So tour de france voyage was a bit of a bust.

As far as the world of cycling goes, i have two words: Lol Dopestrong.
The publicity grabbing little drug cheat! I would have so much more respect for him if he would be like "yar, i did drugs, i was still the best cyclist outa a hundred other drug cheats" atleassst. Oh whatever, the man is hella lame. Someone should run him over :/ Or.....prove he was on drugs and give Jan the wins he deserves?

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Its the Tour XD

Valverde is a drug cheat :3
David Millar is still awesome.
Cav is a cheeky bitch. Poor Interviewer was talking to a brick wall with a scowl, godbless him.

Haven't been watching it as much as I should due to extreme lazybitchness and sleeping all day.
HOWEVER, 24th of July I will be rockin' out In france hopefully sorting my tan out.

Too tired to type.

Friday 20 June 2008

Scamp is back....with Boonen shock

Boonen Boonen Boonen! Where did you go wrong?
When it was the 16 year old girlfriend we were all OK with it! I mean..You are Belgian! And what kind of self respecting 28 year old man doesn't want a 16 year old?!
But Cocaine? Recreational drugs when you are an athlete in one of the, if not the most, testing sports in the world? Where you know you will be tested, for every race, and in the off season?
What happened to you?
I'm guessing the conclusion most have made is the Fame went to little Tom's head. Not everyone can be the Belgian-Beckham you know! I'm not sure why anyone would want to be, to be frank. But the point is, he got famous. And cyclist's don't often become famous outside their field. I still reel in horror when something is said and one of my friends says "..Armstrong? He's the biker guy, yeah?" So I hold my tounge and try not to throttle them. Anyway. Quickstep aren't sacking him, as he is sexy and his contract ends soon anyway.
So um......Boonen for Astana anyone?

In other news:
I heard Zabriskie won't be in the tour but can't find confirmation of this....

Saturday 17 May 2008


Looming examinations means I will be unable to perv on cyclists untill the 19th of June. Whereupon i intend on being throughly drunk for about a month. I might sober up in time for the tour.
See you in France! I'll be the one spray painting "It's Millar Time"

Tuesday 13 May 2008

I have been Biased. Sorry McGee

I know McGee crashed too. And I'm sure plenty of others..The Giro is bad!
I was far too fixated on The Moustache. When McGee should have been my primary concern! He is in my Fantasy Giro team after all!
And I am loosing spectaularly btw!
I also feel the need to talk about Chris Hoy. Later though.
This was just McGee apology time :P

Monday 12 May 2008


I apologize for going on about him so much!
Fractured an L1 vertebrae :(
Also, Cav just came 9th. So got me a few points in my fantasy team, lol.
I hate having to be somewhere with no giro coverage during the day :(