Wednesday 17 September 2008


How lame is that? I haven't posted since I went to France.
Ok..lemme think....I went to France!
I fell over playing minigolf, couldn't walk, had to go home :|
Bloody missed the only reason I went over - To spray paint Millars name all over the roads of middle france ;)
Got back to bloody england with a ankle swollen up to absolute deaaathh:Disgusting right! Anyway, spent like half a year in A&E and it was tendon damage or whatever. Its all ok now. meh.
So tour de france voyage was a bit of a bust.

As far as the world of cycling goes, i have two words: Lol Dopestrong.
The publicity grabbing little drug cheat! I would have so much more respect for him if he would be like "yar, i did drugs, i was still the best cyclist outa a hundred other drug cheats" atleassst. Oh whatever, the man is hella lame. Someone should run him over :/ Or.....prove he was on drugs and give Jan the wins he deserves?

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